Choosing the Right Gray for You

We’re going to try to help you pick a gray color for your walls. This could be a very difficult task for some people because finding a true gray is very hard. Grays do have a little bit of green in them sometimes, a little bit of blue in them sometimes. Sometimes they have a little beige, and this can make this task very difficult.

I would recommend that you go to your local paint store or home improvement store, where you can go through the grays that they have displayed there in smaller colored chips. Find three that you really like. Take them home with you, but don’t put the little chip up on your wall. Go to the manufacturer’s website. Most of them will send you larger samples for free. These samples can be as big as half a sheet of paper to a full sheet of paper in size.

This willll help you choose the gray. That’s going to be the gray that you really, really love. I would recommend too you put that larger color chip on walls that have sunlight on them and walls that have shade on them, so you can see the color in both the light and the dimness of the light. I think that by doing this, it’s going to make the process a little bit easier for you. Give us some of your feedback if you do end up doing this process, and let us know how it works out.

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