3 Trends in Exterior Painting in York, PA


This is Todd with Todd A. Hess Painting Company. I’m here to talk to you about some painting trends in York, PA. We’re seeing three trends: sage-colored siding, black front doors, and solid stain decks. 

We’re seeing some people go from gray siding to more of a sage green siding color. So we’re taking a painting from grays to greens. A  lot has been said about gray being a dominant color, but I do think we’re seeing a trend away from that. 

We’re also seeing more people looking to do front doors in black and their shutters in black. So that’s another trend. A lot of people aren’t using as many colors on their shutters and front doors; they’re just going straight for black.

We also are seeing a move to solid stains from semi-transparent stains on a lot of decking. We believe this trend is probably being pushed forward due to the newer products not lasting as long. So a semi-transparent stain only lasts about two or three years, and a solid stain lasts between five and eight years if prepared correctly. 
So that’s three things to consider if you’re looking to do a painting project right now. And if you are, please contact us. Check out our website, www.toddahesspaintingco.com or give us a call at 717-881-5807.

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