3 Things That are Different About Exterior Painting in Lancaster, PA


This is Todd with Todd A Hess Painting Company. Here are a few things we’ve noticed are different about exterior painting in Lancaster, PA

In this community, we noticed that there’s a lot of older architecture here. This means that there are a lot more wood substrates and things that may end up rotting if you don’t maintain them. We also know that there are a lot of taller buildings in Lancaster and a lot of bigger farmhouse-style buildings. 

What this does is it makes it very difficult for smaller painting companies that might not do this stuff regularly to come out. They may do everything on the first and second floors adequately, but then they ignore or don’t do the best processes up on the third floor. This can kind of waste your investment at the time because you notice your third floor starts to have areas that are failing.

And then when those areas start to fail, you kind of are like, “oh, well, I only got it painted three years ago,” but those areas will then start to rot, and you’ll start to have issues. We do this type of work high up, on larger buildings regularly, and we’re equipped to do that type of work. 

We’ve also noticed that Lancaster tends to have a lot more of a modern trend with its exterior and interior colors. That’s something that you would really want to look into. Look in your neighborhood and see what is going on, because every neighborhood seems slightly different. I think that’s because as the neighborhoods grow, people kind of latch on to what their neighbor is doing, and each neighborhood becomes its own little community. 

If you’re in the market right now and are looking to get painting done, please reach out. Check out our website, www.toddahesspaintingco.com or give us a call at 717-881-5807.

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